GeoCubes Finland
GeoCubes Finland is a harmonised multi-resolution raster geodata repository on the cloud.
GeoCubes Finland is a harmonised, multi-resolution raster geodata repository containing several national datasets from themes like Digital Elevation Model, superficial deposits, land cover and forestry. At the moment the contents of GeoCubes Finland are provided by the following organisations: National Land Survey of Finland, Finnish Environment Institute, Geological Survey of Finland and National Resources Institute Finland. The contents are freely available open data.
GeoCubes Finland provides several ways to access its contents. The area of Finland is divided into 60 individual 100 km * 100 km blocks. Each block can be downloaded as GeoTIFF or VRT file. The OGC-standardized Web Coverage Service (WCS) or the custom GeoCubes API can be used for accessing data more flexibly, for instance using a bounding box or the extent of an administrative unit of the country. GeoCubes content layers can also be visualised by accessing the provided OGC-compliant Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) interface.
Examples of accessing GeoCubes content layers include direct file access and API call examples.